Java Object Engine Vivisystem? It's a term used in philosophy. A hive mind, like that of the bees, interconnected dumb pieces coming together to form a very powerful whole -> vivisystem - CMass The objective of the Object Engine is to provide a virtual environment in which a number of simple objects can interact, enabling complex situations to arise from relatively simple objects. The two primary goals are the simplicity of the objects, and the scalability of the complexity of the resulting situation. Objects should be easy to create and understand. Limited knowledge of any other objects should be needed when creating another object. The system should scale to allow environments containing anythere from a few dozen, to a few million objects. Eventual distribution between multiple processors/computers may be needed, and should be allowed for. The end goal is a system that can be used for modeling an environment in real-time for Role Playing games, and other applications requiring such a comprehensive virtual-environment.